So Villas reminds us of the following obligations:

In order to slow the spread of the virus, the following hygiene measures must be observed at all times and places:

  • Regularly wash hands with soap and water (access to which must be facilitated by providing single-use towels) or by hydro-alcoholic friction;
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your nose, mouth and eyes;
  • Blow your nose in a single-use tissue to be disposed of immediately in a trash can;
  • Systematically cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing into your elbow;

To better prepare your stay:

Private gatherings:

Our homes are entirely private.
That said, COVID-19 does not distinguish between public and private spaces. 

We ask you to please respect, inside and outside our houses:

  • barrier gestures ;
  • internal and sanitary regulations;
  • wearing the mask;
Before the check-in:

Invite all members of your group to report back:

  • Hydroalcoholic solutions;
  • Masks;
  • Single-use tissues;

Finally, if one of your guests is not feeling well, it is necessary to request a PCR test and contact the doctor before starting your stay.

To protect yourself and others, prevention is your best ally 😉

Our Sanitary Protocol:

Crazy Villas is committed to a strict health protocol:

In order to slow the spread of the virus, the following hygiene measures must be observed at all times and places:

  • Regularly wash hands with soap and water (access to which must be facilitated by providing single-use towels) or by hydro-alcoholic friction;
  • Avoid touching your face, especially your nose, mouth and eyes;
  • Blow your nose in a single-use tissue to be disposed of immediately in a trash can;
  • Systematically cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing into your elbow;
Our Commitments :

To avoid the spread of COVID-19 as much as possible, Crazy Villas has set up a 100% digital process for your check-in:

  • Contactless key delivery: box with secret code in all our houses;
  • Digital inventory of fixtures with tablet inside the houses ;
  • Automated check-out;

Finally, Crazy Villas ensures the cleaning and maintenance of the premises by working with quality partners, with attention to anti COVID-19 standards.

  • Air circulation during cleaning sessions: all windows open from the beginning to the end of the cleaning;
  • Cleaning of the surfaces then disinfection with approved product (standard EN14476);
  • Special attention to frequently affected elements;
  • Washing dishes at high temperatures with a dishwasher;
  • Washing of linens at the highest temperature;
  • Linen disinfection ;

**Information is updated regularly.